The Case for Pure Extracts: Why Quality and Authenticity Matter in Flavoring

The Case for Pure Extracts: Why Quality and Authenticity Matter in Flavoring

When creating culinary masterpieces, flavor is at the forefront of every decision. As professionals in the culinary world, understanding the types of flavoring products available is critical to achieving consistent, authentic, and high-quality results. With so many products on the market—from pure extracts to emulsions, and everything in between—knowing what truly sets them apart can make all the difference.

In this blog, we will explain the key differences between pure extracts and other types of liquid flavorings and why pure extracts offer an unmatched level of quality, particularly in moisture-sensitive applications.

Understanding the Different Flavoring Categories:

When choosing an extract or liquid flavoring, it’s essential to recognize the distinctions between pure, natural, premium, emulsions, and WONF (With Other Natural Flavors) product types. Each one offers a different level of flavor intensity, authenticity, and ingredient quality.

  • Pure Extracts: The gold standard in culinary flavoring. These extracts derive their flavor and aroma solely from the real plant source. For example, a pure rose extract is created exclusively from rose flowers, capturing the true essence of the ingredient without any synthetic or added compounds. Similarly, pure vanilla extract is made from real vanilla, delivering the most authentic vanilla flavor possible.
  • Natural Extracts: These use natural sources to create a specific flavor profile. However, unlike pure extracts, they often rely on more abundant or less costly natural ingredients to mimic the intended flavor. For example, a natural vanilla extract may include compounds from other plants to imitate the flavor of true vanilla.
  • WONF (With Other Natural Flavors): This is a product that combines both natural and synthetic compounds to engineer the desired aroma and taste. WONF products may have some natural sources, but they are blended with lab-made substances to enhance or stabilize the flavor. While these products may offer some cost advantages, the taste is far from pure and may introduce off-notes or a chemical aftertaste.
  • Premium Extracts: “Premium” is often used as a marketing term rather than an indicator of quality. A product labeled “premium” could be pure, but it could also be a WONF, imitation, or synthetic product. Always check the ingredient list and the product description to verify the source of flavor.
  • Emulsions: Emulsions are typically imitation flavorings, containing a mix of aroma compounds suspended in a thickened liquid. They rely on stabilizers, colors, preservatives, and gums to maintain consistency. While they are labeled as flavorings, emulsions are often less concentrated and can contain artificial ingredients. The thickness of an emulsion is not a measure of flavor intensity or quality—only that it has been thickened to suspend the additives.
  • Water-Based Extracts: This term can be misleading. For example, rose water is not the same as rose extract. Water-based extracts are typically much less concentrated and often lack the depth and intensity of pure extracts, making them unsuitable for professional culinary use where precision and potency matter.

Why Pure Extracts Stand Above the Rest

Now that we’ve clarified the different types of flavorings, let’s dive into why pure extracts are the superior choice for professionals in the culinary world.

  1. Authentic Flavor and Aroma Pure extracts derive their essence solely from the original ingredient, offering a flavor profile that is unrivaled in authenticity. Unlike natural or WONF products that may combine cheaper ingredients or synthetic compounds, pure extracts capture the true essence of the plant source. In a world where quality matters, nothing beats the genuine flavors found in pure extracts. The difference between a dish made with pure vanilla extract versus imitation vanilla is palpable, especially in delicate recipes.
  2. Low Moisture Content – Ideal for Moisture-Sensitive Applications One of the most significant advantages of pure extracts is their low moisture content. In moisture-sensitive applications—such as baking delicate pastries, creating chocolate confections, or making macarons—excess moisture can ruin the texture and consistency of the final product. Pure extracts contain minimal water, allowing you to introduce intense flavor without altering the delicate balance of your recipe. This is why professionals choose pure extracts for applications where precision and texture are paramount.
  3. Concentration – A Little Goes a Long Way Due to their potency, pure extracts are highly concentrated, meaning you only need a small amount to infuse a dish with robust flavor. Just a few drops can transform a dish, making pure extracts not only economical but also versatile across different applications. Whether you’re creating a citrus glaze, spicing up a savory dish, or crafting a luxurious dessert, pure extracts pack a powerful punch, helping you achieve bold flavors with minimal product.
  4. No Artificial Additives Unlike emulsions or imitation flavorings, pure extracts are free from unnecessary thickeners, preservatives, stabilizers, or artificial coloring. You’re getting only the essence of the plant without any additives or synthetic ingredients that could alter the taste of your final product.
  5. Consistency and Quality Professionals know that consistency is critical. Pure extracts offer reliability in flavor, allowing chefs and bakers to achieve the same exceptional taste every time. Whether you’re whipping up an old favorite or experimenting with a new recipe, you can trust pure extracts to deliver the same high-quality results.

Test Your Extracts Like a Pro

Curious about the quality of an extract? There’s a simple way to test it: let a drop or two dry on a strip of paper—very much like testing perfume. As it dries, the aroma should intensify, revealing its true profile. This method can help you distinguish between pure, natural, and imitation extracts.

Conclusion: Trust in the Purity

For professionals who care about the integrity of their dishes, pure extracts are the clear choice. Whether you’re concerned about authentic flavor, moisture content, or overall quality, pure extracts deliver unmatched performance in both sweet and savory culinary creations. They ensure that your dishes will stand out with bold, natural flavors, without compromising on consistency or texture.

When the label says “pure,” you should expect that you’re getting the real thing—no fillers, no synthetics, just flavor and aroma at its best as created by nature.

How Many Servings Are in a 2-Ounce Bottle of Angel Bake Extracts?

How Many Servings Are in a 2-Ounce Bottle of Angel Bake Extracts?

When purchasing a 2-ounce bottle of one of our premium Angel Bake extracts, such as Pure Lemon, Pure Cardamom, or Pure Lavender Extract, you may wonder: how long will it last? With our high-concentration extracts, a little truly goes a long way. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the number of servings you can expect from one of our 2-ounce bottles, based on the recommended usage of 3-5 drops per cup of whatever you’re flavoring.

Why Only 3-5 Drops?

Angel Bake extracts are known for their high concentration. That means you get intense, authentic flavor with just a few drops. Unlike imitation extracts or lower-quality options that require larger amounts to achieve noticeable flavor, our extracts are potent—thanks to our meticulous distillation process and commitment to purity.

For most culinary applications—whether you’re adding flavor to baked goods, beverages, sauces, or savory dishes—our recommendation is to start with 3-5 drops per cup of the item you’re flavoring. This range allows flexibility for personal taste: some might prefer a subtle hint of flavor (3 drops), while others may prefer a more pronounced flavor (5 drops).

How Many Drops in a 2-Ounce Bottle?

Let’s break down the math to give you a clearer idea of how long your extract will last.

  • 1 ounce = 6 teaspoons
  • 1 teaspoon = approximately 98 drops
  • 2-ounce bottle = 12 teaspoons = approximately 1,176 drops

This means that your 2-ounce bottle of extract contains approximately 1,176 drops of liquid.

How Many Servings?

Now that we know a 2-ounce bottle holds around 1,176 drops, let’s calculate the number of servings you’ll get:

  • 3 drops per cup = about 392 servings (1,176 ÷ 3)
  • 5 drops per cup = about 235 servings (1,176 ÷ 5)

So, depending on how many drops you use per cup, your bottle could yield anywhere from 235 to 392 servings!

Where Can You Use Our Extracts?

Our extracts are versatile and can be used in a wide variety of culinary applications. Here are some popular uses:

  1. Baking: Infuse cakes, cookies, muffins, or frosting with your favorite extract flavor.
  2. Beverages: Add a few drops to your coffee, tea, or homemade lemonade for a refreshing twist.
  3. Sauces and Dressings: Enhance savory dishes with a splash of lavender, cardamom, or lemon extract.
  4. Cocktails: Impress your guests by adding extracts to cocktails for a burst of citrus, spice, or floral notes.
  5. Ice Cream & Sorbet: Add depth to your frozen desserts by flavoring them with our high-quality extracts.

Stretch Your Bottle, Not Your Budget

Because our extracts are so concentrated, you get more servings per bottle, which means you’re getting incredible value. Not only do you enjoy the highest quality flavor, but you also benefit from longevity—making Angel Bake extracts an excellent investment for your kitchen.

Pro Tip: Start Small

We always recommend starting with the lower end of the suggested range—3 drops per cup—and then adjusting to your taste. You can always add more if you desire a stronger flavor, but with the potency of our extracts, you’ll often find that less is more!

Conclusion: Long-Lasting Flavor, Exceptional Quality

With 235 to 392 servings per 2-ounce bottle, Angel Bake extracts provide exceptional value. Their high concentration ensures that a little goes a long way, helping you infuse every dish or beverage with the perfect amount of flavor. Whether you’re a home baker, a professional chef, or someone who loves experimenting in the kitchen, Angel Bake extracts are designed to meet all your culinary needs.

So next time you pick up a 2-ounce bottle of Angel Bake Pure Extract, you can rest assured that it will flavor your creations for weeks, or even months, to come.

Mastering Extracts: How to Enhance Flavor in Professional Kitchens

Mastering Extracts: How to Enhance Flavor in Professional Kitchens

Mastering Extracts: How to Enhance Flavor in Professional Kitchens

In the world of professional kitchens, where precision and consistency are paramount, mastering the use of extracts is a game-changer. These concentrated flavor agents not only offer chefs the ability to layer and amplify taste but also provide efficiency and reliability in high-pressure environments. Here’s how using extracts in your culinary creations can help you deliver bold, consistent flavors every time.

Why Use Extracts in Professional Kitchens?

Professional kitchens require more than just creativity—they demand speed, consistency, and balance. Pure extracts like those from Angel Bake offer a host of advantages for professional chefs:

  • Consistency: Unlike fresh ingredients, which can vary in flavor depending on the season, source, or ripeness, extracts provide a reliable and uniform taste. This is especially important when consistency across batches is critical, such as in commercial kitchens or restaurants where every dish needs to taste the same every time.
  • Efficiency and Precision: Measuring whole spices, fresh botanicals, or zesting citrus can be time-consuming and unpredictable. With extracts, you achieve precise flavor control with just a few drops. This allows chefs to focus on the artistry of their dishes without sacrificing accuracy or wasting time.
  • Shelf-Stable and Ready to Use: Fresh herbs, spices, and botanicals often have a limited shelf life and can degrade quickly. Extracts, on the other hand, offer a long shelf life, allowing you to store them without worrying about spoilage, thus reducing waste and managing costs more effectively.

How to Use Extracts to Enhance Flavor

Here are some tips on how to incorporate extracts into your recipes like a pro:

  1. Layering Flavors: Extracts are perfect for adding depth to dishes by layering flavors. For instance, in a classic French pastry, you can use vanilla extract in the custard, almond extract in the dough, and a floral note like rose extract in the glaze. Each extract brings its own unique profile, creating a symphony of taste that elevates the dish.
  2. Maximizing Flavor in High-Heat Cooking: When using extracts in baked goods or dishes exposed to high heat, remember that some of the flavor may dissipate during cooking. We recommend adding 5-6 drops per cup of batter or liquid to ensure the flavor remains bold and noticeable after baking. You can even reserve some of the extract to add post-bake for an extra burst of flavor.
  3. Incorporating Extracts in Beverages: Extracts aren’t just for baked goods—they’re incredibly effective in beverages. From cocktails and mocktails to coffee drinks and teas, a few drops of extract can transform a drink. Use peppermint extract to enhance a winter cocktail or Madagascar vanilla extract to elevate your lattes and cappuccinos. For cold beverages, 3-5 drops per cup should be enough to make a noticeable impact.
  4. Using Extracts in Sauces and Creams: In sauces, syrups, and creams, extracts work wonders when added at the right moment. For the best results, always add the extract at the end of the cooking process, after the dish has cooled slightly. This method helps preserve the pure, bold flavors, preventing them from being diminished by heat.
  5. Post-Cook Spritzing with Extracts: For finishing dishes, consider spritzing Angel Bake Culinary Aromatics extracts onto the final plated dish. A light mist of an herbal or citrus extract adds a burst of fresh aroma and flavor, transforming the dish into a multisensory experience. This technique works exceptionally well in fine dining, where the presentation and sensory experience are just as important as taste.

Practical Applications in the Professional Kitchen

  • Pastry Chefs: When precision is vital, extracts offer unparalleled consistency in fillings, creams, and frostings. Whether creating intricate French macarons or delicate tarts, extracts let you recreate the same exquisite flavors every time.
  • Caterers: In high-volume environments, where the same dish needs to taste flawless across hundreds of servings, extracts provide the control and reliability you need without compromising flavor.
  • Beverage Programs: For mixologists and beverage directors, extracts add flair to cocktails, mocktails, and craft drinks. Pure extracts are easier to work with than infusing fresh botanicals, and they provide a reliable, long-lasting option that won’t spoil.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Culinary Game with Extracts

In the fast-paced environment of a professional kitchen, precision and flavor are key. Extracts from Angel Bake offer the flexibility, consistency, and control you need to master your culinary creations. Whether you’re layering complex flavors in a dessert, adding depth to a sauce, or enhancing a signature cocktail, pure extracts ensure that each dish reaches its full potential.

Ready to take your culinary skills to the next level? Explore our full range of extracts and experience the power of pure, natural flavor in every drop.

How to Use and Declare Angel Bake Extracts in Your Recipes

How to Use and Declare Angel Bake Extracts in Your Recipes

How to Use and Declare Angel Bake Extracts in Your Recipes

At Saëna Baking Co., we know that precision and clarity are key when it comes to using and declaring ingredients in your recipes. Whether you’re a home baker or a professional manufacturer, understanding the proper use and declaration of our Angel Bake extracts will ensure your creations taste their best and meet labeling requirements.

How Much Extract to Use?

Getting the right amount of flavor is crucial, and with our pure extracts, a little goes a long way. Here’s a quick guide to help you determine the right amount of extract to use for various applications:

  • For Liquids and Non-Baked Recipes: We recommend using 3-5 drops per cup. This applies to beverages, honey, fillings, syrups, creams, and any other recipes where the extract is not subjected to heat. This amount ensures a balanced, intense flavor without overpowering your creation.
  • For Baked Goods: When incorporating extracts into batters that will be baked, we suggest using 5-6 drops per cup. The higher amount compensates for the flavor that may dissipate during the baking process, ensuring that the final product retains the desired taste.

Tips for Optimal Flavor

To maximize the flavor and aroma of our extracts, we recommend adding them towards the end of the preparation process, especially in manufacturing settings. Here are a few examples:

  • For Flavored Syrups, Jams, and Sauces: Prepare the syrup, jam, or sauce as usual, then allow it to cool before adding your chosen extract. This method preserves the integrity and potency of the flavor, providing a more vibrant taste in the finished product.

Declaring Extracts in Nutrition Information

When it comes to declaring the use of our extracts in your product’s nutrition information, we provide product specifications that can be used to ensure compliance with labeling regulations. Here are some acceptable terms for declaration:

  • “Natural Flavoring”: This is a general term that can be used if your product includes our extracts, aligning with regulatory standards for natural ingredients.
  • “XXX Extract”: Where “XXX” represents the specific flavor (e.g., “Vanilla Extract,” “Peppermint Extract”). This term clearly identifies the flavoring agent used, making it easy for consumers to understand.

Ensuring Quality and Compliance

Using Angel Bake extracts not only enhances the flavor of your products but also ensures that you’re working with ingredients that are pure, natural, and of the highest quality. By following these guidelines for usage and declaration, you can maintain the integrity of your recipes while providing clear, accurate information to your customers.

If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you in creating the best possible products with Angel Bake extracts.

Pure Flavored Honey with Saëna’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts

Pure Flavored Honey with Saëna’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts

We are thrilled to share some exciting news: a major honey manufacturer has recently selected our pure extracts to flavor their natural honey products. This partnership highlights the exceptional quality and versatility of our Angel Bake pure extracts, making them the perfect choice for enhancing the natural goodness of honey.

The Perfect Pairing: Honey and Pure Extracts

Short of placing beehives by lavender fields, pairing pure natural honey with Angel Bake pure extracts is as close to nature as you can get. Our 100% natural and pure extracts capture the essence of their botanical origins with unmatched authenticity. They stand out in the market for their exceptional intensity and aromatic depth, making them an ideal choice for honey manufacturers who prioritize natural quality and flavor.

Why Choose Saëna?

Our Angel Bake pure extracts are renowned for their:

  • Authenticity: Capturing the true essence of their botanical origins.
  • Intensity: Offering robust, concentrated flavors that shine through in every application.
  • Aromatic Depth: Providing a rich, sensory experience that enhances the natural flavor of honey.

These qualities make our extracts perfect for honey manufacturers looking to create products that are both delicious and true to nature.

Creating a 100% Natural Product

Combining our Angel Bake pure extracts with your natural honey results in a completely natural product. This synergy emphasizes a commitment to quality and natural ingredients, a significant appeal in today’s market where health consciousness is paramount. By choosing our extracts, you ensure that your honey products maintain their natural integrity while offering unique and delightful flavors.

Partnering with Saëna

At Saëna Baking Co., we value building lasting relationships and are dedicated to supporting our partners with top-tier products and services. Opting for Angel Bake pure extracts means choosing a partner committed to excellence in natural flavoring. We pride ourselves on delivering extracts that enhance your products, ensuring they stand out in a competitive market.

Join the ranks of satisfied partners who have discovered the unparalleled quality of Saëna’s Angel Bake pure extracts. Together, we can create honey products that are as natural and flavorful as nature intended.

Feel free to contact us at to learn more.  We look forward to the possibility of working together to bring the best natural flavors to your honey products.

Chocolate Desserts with Saena’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts: A Flavorful Adventure

Chocolate Desserts with Saena’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts: A Flavorful Adventure


Chocolate, the beloved treat that has captivated taste buds for centuries, is a canvas waiting to be transformed into delightful masterpieces. Whether you’re an experienced pastry chef, an industrial manufacturer, or a passionate home baker, incorporating Saena’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts into your chocolate desserts will propel your creations to a whole new level.  In this blog, we will explore how our pure extracts, can be the secret ingredient that makes your chocolate-based desserts truly extraordinary.

The Magic of Saena’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts:

Saena’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts are concentrated essences derived from natural ingredients like vanilla beans, rose petals, citrus fruits, spices, and herbs. These pure extracts capture the authentic flavors and aromas of these ingredients, allowing you to infuse your chocolate desserts with a burst of natural goodness. However, it’s important to note that while these extracts can work wonders, there’s a crucial detail to keep in mind when using pure extracts with chocolate.

Alcohol-Based Extracts and Chocolate:

Alcohol-based extracts, such as vanilla extract and many others, can indeed be used to flavor chocolate-based desserts, but they must be added to chocolate mixtures rather than pure melted chocolate. The reason is simple: alcohol and chocolate don’t always play nicely together.  Chocolate is a delicate substance, and the introduction of liquid can cause it to seize. This is where the careful addition of alcohol-based extracts comes into play.

Here’s how to incorporate alcohol-based extracts into your chocolate desserts without causing a chocolate catastrophe:

  1. Add Extract to Other Ingredients:  consider adding extracts to other wet ingredients or to the base of your dessert, such as your cake batter, frosting, or ganache. This ensures that the extract is well-distributed.
  2. Use a Natural Emulsifier: In most cases, you can use a natural emulsifier like cream or milk to help incorporate the extract into the chocolate mixture more smoothly. This can prevent the chocolate from seizing.
  3. Avoid Direct Contact: If you absolutely must add the extract to melted chocolate, do so cautiously and sparingly. Use an eyedropper or a very small measuring spoon to add tiny amounts at a time, stirring gently and constantly to ensure even distribution.


Experimenting with Saena’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts in your chocolate desserts opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you’re aiming to create a classic chocolate chip cookie with a hint of vanilla, or a show-stopping chocolate cake infused with the zest of oranges, these pure extracts, brought to you by Saena, can be your secret weapon. Their natural, intense flavors can turn your chocolate-based creations into memorable experiences for your taste buds.

So, go ahead, explore the world of Saena’s Angel Bake Pure Extracts, and let your imagination run wild in the realm of chocolate desserts. Your culinary adventures are about to get even more delicious, as long as you remember the delicate dance between alcohol-based extracts and melted chocolate.